Innovating to ensure no one is left behind

Innovating to ensure no one is left behind

Thursday, June 20, 2024 10:50 AM to 11:10 AM · 20 min. (Europe/London)
Electric Vehicles [Theatre 9]


Motability Operations’ 750,000 customers are at the centre of everything it does. More than 45,000 of them have transitioned to electric so far, making them the biggest EV fleet in the country; but that still leaves 700,000 to go. They’re concerned the current EV transition will not work for everyone and are using their deep insight and understanding to closely target the ‘pain points’ that deter customers from transitioning. They work with various partners to find solutions whether it’s EV charging for renters or Electrified Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle concepts and know more partnership working is needed to create an accessible and affordable EV infrastructure. The company wants to make sure nobody gets let behind in the transition to electric.

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