NHS Fleet Solution

NHS Fleet Solution

Products & Services


Co Wheels specialises in providing fleet management solutions for the NHS, helping free up land used for staff car parking, reduce costs and cut CO2 emissions to reach Net Zero targets. Our flexible pool car fleet management solution allows all employees to efficiently share vehicles without the need for key safes and booking diaries. We can just supply the hardware and software to fit to your existing cars or vans or supply a fully managed service including leased vehicles, insurance, cleaning, breakdown recovery and 24/7 customer support. All customers get access to our smartphone booking app and desktop system which converts your vehicles to an in-house car club. You can then mix and match the elements you need to customise our service to meet your needs. Rules on the system can even lock down cars to individual drivers or groups of drivers either 24 hours or for specific time periods. Our system is used by many NHS trusts giving their staff access to low emission hybrid or zero emission electric vehicles to replace their grey fleet mileage. Your staff don't need to bring their car into work every day just to have access to a vehicle, so using in-house car clubs can reduce your Scope 3 as well as Scope 1 carbon emissions.

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