Intermodal trip planner for Europe

Intermodal trip planner for Europe

Products & Services


Automicle is an open interface that connects apps and platforms with mobility services like trip planner, public transport e-tickets, train tickets, parking and more. Automicle’s APIs, SDKs, Widgets and Bots allow any company or organisation to easily integrate and offer mobility to its customers and/or users. The widget will support trip planning, selecting, booking, paying, travelling of complete journeys potentially consisting of multiple legs. The widget is based on Automicle’s own APIs which means that a customer can also decide to fine tune and adapt the UI/UX in line with their own requirements. The widget is also based on Automicle’s Trip Planner which can be used by development teams as an alternative to Google’s Trip Planner or other commercial offerings on the market. Automicle’s Trip Planner is an intermodal trip planner rather than a multimodal trip planner. This means that for planning purposes trips can consist of any mix and match of available modes of transport and stops like parking and EV charging. A number of parameters can be used for Trip Planning purposes, modes of transport selection, operator selection, first/last leg mode selection, via locations and stopover duration.

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