Public Car Share Clubs

Public Car Share Clubs

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Public Car Share Clubs
Public Car Share Clubs
Public Car Share Clubs
Public Car Share Clubs
Public Car Share Clubs


Each Co Wheels shared car club car takes up to 22 private vehicles off your roads. Shared vehicles solve many of the problems created by privately owned cars. A pay as you go car club in your area helps residents give up owning their own vehicles. Car clubs: - Reduce traffic congestion on the roads and parking on street - Increase walking, cycling and public transport use - Cut pollution and CO2 output in your area Talk to Co Wheels on Stand 78 about how to get a car club in your area. We have 600 vehicles across the UK in more than 60 locations from major cities to market towns and rural areas. The majority are low emission hybrid and a third are full electric vehicles. We have more than 15 years experience of running public car clubs and were the first club in Britain to put EVs on our fleet almost 10 years ago. So come and speak to the UK's car share experts.

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